The no-sugar lifestyle

While sugar is one of the natural sources of energy, too much of it is bad news for the human body. It can cause chronic illnesses such as diabetes and expedites weight gain. This is the reason why more and more people even celebrities have decided to ditch sweets altogether to pursue a no-sugar lifestyle. Beyonce in her Homecoming documentary bared her 22-day no sugar diet pre-Coachella. This helped the queen herself get back in shape.

For actor Alec Baldwin, quitting sugar was a health decision. After being diagnosed with pre-diabetes, he decided to quit sugar. Not only did he lose weight, but he also effectively stopped his condition from progressing.

Before talking about the essentials of a no-sugar lifestyle, it’s important to understand what diseases we are putting ourselves at risk if we continue unabated sugar consumption. Here are just some of them:

– Heart disease
– Diabetes
– Cancer
– Weight gain
– High blood pressure
– Fatty liver disease
– Obesity
– Chronic inflammation
– Depression
– Expedited aging
– Energy drain
– Cognitive decline
– Dental health concerns
– Kidney problems
– Acne

Yikes! Given the long list, it goes without saying that having a no-sugar lifestyle is benefits your health.

These include:
– Lowering the risk of developing chronic illnesses and other conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and obesity
– Achieving youthful skin
– Staving weight gain off
– Increasing energy
– Reducing anxiety and mood swings
– Regulating blood pressure and cholesterol levels
– Reduce cravings

With all these amazing benefits of living a life without sugar, it certainly comes as no surprise that more and more people have decided to take a major sugar detox.

With any significant change to one’s lifestyle, knowing where to begin is the first step. Here are some practical things that you can do if you want to achieve a no-sugar lifestyle.

1. Come up with realistic goals. You don’t have to apply for a drastic shift. Take it slow. Come up with doable goals that will keep you going. Doing it slowly but surely is the key to achieving a successful switch.

2. Know your sugar. Sugar comes in different forms. That is why you should know the alternative names for sugar so you can identify them every time you read the label. This list of 56 names that sugar is also known as published by health and wellness website Healthline can help you.

3. Say no to sugar alternatives. If you want to achieve a no-sugar lifestyle, that includes sugar alternatives as well. Apart from having chemicals that might be harmful to the body, these sugar alternatives may increase cravings for sweets, making it close to impossible to reach your no-sugar goals.

4. Skip the simple carbs. The shift to this new kind of lifestyle can be quite difficult because you will have to quit a lot of stuff. These include candies, chocolates, cakes, rice, even pasta. This is why meal planning is very important. Being ready with the right food will reduce the chances of going back to an unhealthy, sugar-filled diet.

5. Identify food you can eat. A diet rich in whole grains and legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, fish, poultry, tofu, and lean meat is the best way start.

A no-sugar lifestyle is well within reach if you know where to begin. By doing some of these tips, you are charting a healthier and brighter no sugar future for you.

Alternatively, if you are attending a function where you know there’d be sugary food served, pack a packet of Mosanco Tea! Mosanco Tea is a functional tea that reduces the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream via the small intestines. Remember, prevention is better than cure!


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